
About Us

4Xhub was conceived of in order to bring aggregated institutional liquidity sourced from all major liquidity providers and execution venues to match the demands of any type of trader.

The principals behind this business originate from a blend of institutional, professional and retail firms and their clients ranged top tier institutional and retail clients from the Asian and European region to professional asset managers and algorithmic trading system developers.

We concentrate on providing FX focussed products to ensure that we can deliver the highest quality of execution services in products that we have a proven track record in delivering on over many decades.

As a firm we operate an agency only execution model and do not hold opposing positions to clients to ensure that our interests do not oppose that of our clients so as not to create a conflict of interest.

All client orders are routed through our aggregation engine where all our liquidity sources compete for your business on an equal basis.

We have no preferential arrangements with any of our liquidity providers for order matching unless we agree a bespoke solution with you, or client, in advance.

Our infrastructure is best in breed and is co-located with our liquidity sources to minimise latency.

Who are the people
behind 4Xhub ?

Cavit Polat – Mr Polat has served on the Board of two FCA regulated investment firms’(€730k and €125k) and at various points has acted as COO, CFO and MLRO in these firms. In addition to this Mr Polat has held senior positions for the last 10 years of his career at major financial services firms based in the United Kingdom. He was previously approved by the FCA as CASS Officer, Money Laundering Reporting Officer and Executive roles of various regulated firms. His last role saw him responsible for 4 divisions as Head of Operations and Money laundering reporting Officer at Swissquote Ltd London with 22 staff under his remit. Although not on the board of 4Xhub he will assume an advisory positions on operational and compliance matters.

Elsa Santika is Compliance Officer/Principal Officer of the firm. She has a diverse career spanning engineering, operating eco-friendly companies to make the ecosystem of the seas more sustainable and over the past two years as moved towards more governance related roles. She has completed Compliance and AML/TF Courses conducted by the Labuan Financial Services Authority and has more than 3 year experience being in the role of governance and compliance.